My name is Ken Austin and my father is pictured on your web site. He was born on Dec.
17th, 1915 in St. John's. His wife (deceased) was Kathleen Quinton. He had 3 sons and 2
daughters. He is currently living at the veterans pavilion located on Forest Rd. He was
part of the 166 regiment and a member of the 59th heavy artillery. He joined the army as a
married man and remained with the heavy guns until the end of the war in 1945. He worked as
a plumber, as was his father and brothers, for over 50 years. He traveled to Europe by
ship and traveled to different parts of the war via train in what are
referred to as cattle
cars. The guns used by the heavy artillery could send shells at 90 Lbs. each around 23 Km.
and other shells at almost 200 Lbs to a distance of 17 Km. Other pictures of my father can
be found in the book "Comrades-In Arms" written by Herb Wells. On page 205 he is
#11 and on page 166 he is #72. Another very interesting book is " More Fighting
Newfoundlanders" written by Colonel G.W.L. Nicholson.
Thank you for your interest in our veterans,
Ken Austin