All photos in this gallery are for sale as
stock photographs and photographic enlargements
They can also be purchased as slide shows
and/or wallpapers/screensavers.


The photos in this Gallery were scanned from slides and range from the early 70s to the mid 90s.  One thing I I have noticed over the past 40 years of photographing Newfoundland and Labrador is that nothing stays the same.   Houses, fishing stages, and cars all change over time and many of the subjects of the photos below no longer exist.

If you would like to see more photographs of fences, please feel free to contact me.

Click on the thumbnail below to see a larger version of the image.  Each thumbnail has been identified with a reference number.  Please use that reference number when making inquiries.


The Battery, St. Johns (early 80s)

Brighton (early 70s)

Bay Bulls (mid 80s)

Bay Bulls (mid 80s)

Bristols Hope (mid 80s)

Clarkes Beach (late 80s)

Burnside 1

Burnside 2

Chapel's Cove 1 (mid 80s)

Chapel's Cove 2 (mid 80s)

Dildo (late 80s)

Fishermen, St. John's (late 70s)

New Bridge (mid 80s)

Georgetown (mid 80s)

Harbour Grace (mid 80s)

Holyrood (mid 80s)

Holyrood (mid 80s)

Petty Harbour 1 (mid 80s)

Petty Harbour 2 (mid 80s)

Port de Grave 1 (mid 80s)

Port de Grave 2 (mid 80s)

From the Past 1 | From the Past 2

C U L T U R E   |    A B S T R A C T S   |   G A L L E R I E S






