Those Who Remember
Royal Canadian Legion/MQP |
In the fall of 2000, MQP invited the War Brides Association to attend our annual Remembrance Day Ceremonies. At a reception following the assembly, we took individual portraits of those in attendance and put them on our web page. We received very positive feedback and decided that we would expand the project even further. Mr. Bruce Lane, our Learning Resources/Technology teacher, has taken hundreds of photos of Remembrance Day Ceremonies in three locations: Grand Falls/Windsor, St. John's and Holyrood. He has agreed to allow our students to scan these photos and place them on our web site. We have partnered with the Royal Canadian Legion to build a web site which will display photos of our veterans. We will invite legionnaires to submit photos, poems, stories and other items of interest for this site. PLEASE NOTE: EMAIL
ADDRESSES HAVE CHANGED SINCE THIS SITE WAS CREATED. Links to photos and information: Other Links