Twice a year, veterans in St. John's, Newfoundland gather
to remember the brave men who sacrificed their lives so we could live in freedom.
The photos in this section were taken over several years since 1982. We need help
identifying the veterans in these photos. If you know the names of any of the people
in the photographs, please
send them to us and we
will add names to the photos.
In addition, we would like to know more about the
individuals: date of birth, family members, date of death (if applicable), personal
stories, and personal photos of the veterans and/or their families. We plan to build
this site over the next several years and create a CD-ROM that will be donated to the
Royal Canadian Legion.
We have decided to add one photo per page. Just click
the forward or back button to move from page to page. Each photo has been assigned a
number for your reference. An email button has been added to make it easier for you to
send information about each photo. Be sure to identify the photo to which you wish to
refer (Example: St. John's 010). The HOME button is a link back to this page. Click
on the image to see a larger version of any picture.
We appreciate your help in this valuable project and would
feedback about the project.